Sunday, December 8, 2013

Goats & ducks! December-2-2013

I decided to take pictures of the goats and ducks on December 2nd. I thought
 I would share them on my blog today. Be sure to watch the video below!



 I took a picture just when Buddy started to shake his head! Haha! 


 Polly and Molly


 Tilly wishing she could butt Molly and Polly.


 I took the goats across the creek in the back of my house. 
I used a PVC pipe to lead them around the yard.

Polly had a hard time getting across!

 Splash swimming in the pool by himself.

 Rosie jumped in. That's when things get crazy!

 Rosie flapping her wings!

 I don't know what they're doing.

 Splash flapping his wings.

 Lilly and Tilly fighting.


Molly and Polly in their shed.