Monday, August 12, 2013

Roise is going to be a mom!

Last Friday I was checking to see if the bottom of the duck coop needed cleaning. I found a nest in the corner of the coop with two duck eggs in it! She has been laying egg every morning. Yesterday, she laid her fourth egg! Last night my dad and I went to check on the goats since they are getting close to kidding. I don't want to miss their birth! While we were outside I checked the ducks and Rosie was sitting on her eggs! She is now done laying her eggs and is incubating them. When her eggs hatch I am going to keep one female duckling and sell the others. 

I will post new pictures of all four eggs in her nest.


  1. How exciting! How long will it take her eggs to hatch?

  2. I'm not sure yet. When I find out I will let you know!
