Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ducks Playing In The Creek

Since it's been raining so much here our creek in the backyard has water in it. I took the ducks down to the creek so they could play in the water. By the way ducks LOVE water!
 They did love the water!!
Yes, the yard does need to be mowed!

 Splash and Rosie checking out the creek!

 The ducks swimming in a deep part in the creek.

 They decided to get out of the water for a while.

 Splash flapping his wings like his brother Flapper.

Swimming in a deep part.


  1. They look like they had a lot of fun!

  2. Wow, the ducks have grown! What are their names?

  3. Yes, they did have a lot of fun! Their names are Splash and Rosie.

  4. Yes, they did have a lot of fun! Their names are Splash and Rosie.
